
Personality Development Program

Considering the current situation of reduced Government recruitment and the consequent shift of opportunity towards the private sector, the vernacular background of our general students who are from underprivileged semi-urban or rural societies has proved to be a hindrance to their success in interviews despite their technical qualities.

Since private sector corporates are particular about personal appearance and English language communication ability of its recruits, the Institute has introduced Communicative English and Personality Development into the curriculum of its centres.

Extensive training is thus provided in Modern English Communication culminating in a four week Personality Development Programme to augment the students' technical or commercial skills with attitudinal orientation and presentation abilities such as:

  • Competitive work environment, work ethics, competitive work attitude, interpersonal relations, route to success.
  • Skills on basic comprehension, standard business vocabulary usage, formats of business correspondence, clarity and precision, writing for effective communication.
  • Skills on attentive listening, understanding a range of accents and pronunciation, identifying key messages, understanding of overall message, fluency, accuracy, appropriateness of usage, pronunciation, interaction, courtesy, manners and politeness.
  • Improving appearance through clothes, grooming and accessories, taking into account the limited resources of our students.
  • Improving psycho-cybernetics or the science of body language to enable projection of confidence and competence.
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