

All students of the Institute are requested to ensure the observance of the following code of discipline for successful completion of the course.

  • All notices issued by the Institute to the students at any time require mandatory reading and strict obedience.
  • Any act or conduct of a student which interrupts, interferes or disrupts the functioning of the Institute or impairs the good relationship between the Institute and its students will be treated as breach of discipline and the student will be liable to pay a fine or be subject to expulsion or both as the Institute may deem fit.
  • Any activity of extra academic nature adversely affecting tuition or study is prohibited. Indulgence in such activity by the students will be viewed as an act of breach of discipline and dealt with accordingly.
  • Loitering in the Institute premises is forbidden. Students should remain in their respective classrooms during class hours.
  • Students in class rooms must remain disciplined and quiet at all times, irrespective of whether there is a teacher in the class or not. Rowdiness of any kind, disturbing neighbouring classrooms will not be tolerated.
  • Smoking, chewing tobacco and consumption of alcoholic liquor or psychotropic substances is prohibited within the premises of the Institute.
  • All students must be aware of the conditions required for the safe handling of substances and specimens being handled in practical laboratory. All specimens should be treated as if infectious, if any doubt, seek guidance from the laboratory instructor. Students shall observe all safety precautions. The Institute is not responsible for injury or accidents whatsoever of whatever nature to the students in the workshop or Practical Laboratory. Institute shall only provide First-Aid to the students.
  • No responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage to students property within the premises.
  • Usage of any instrument, gadget or device such as radios, pagers or mobile phones which is likely to disturb the class is strictly prohibited inside a classroom. Any emergency calls may be attended outside the classroom after taking due permission of the faculty member conducting the class.
  • Misbehaviour with teaching/non-teaching/office staff or any other student of the Institute may lead to disciplinary action including expulsion of the student from the Institute.
  • Students are required to be neat and clean and must wear the Institute's uniform as specified by the Institute during their presence in the Institute premises all the time. Dressing in any other manner will subject the concerned student to disciplinary action.
  • Meetings, gatherings and conventions are not permitted in the campus of the Institute without prior written permission from the management.
  • Demonstrations, picketing and display of posters are a breach of discipline and will be dealt with accordingly.
  • Damage to or loss of Institute property or stealing of any parts, components, gadgets, tools or instruments will lead to penalisation of the student or the group of students by imposition of a fine to the extent of the value of the property concerned along with a proper penalty and may even result in the suspension of the student or a group of students.
  • Inconveniences and grievances suffered by any student or a group of students should be brought to the notice of the Head of the Centre.
  • Students introducing visitors inside the Institute without proper permission shall be guilty of breach of discipline. In all cases the concerned student(s) will be held responsible for any misconduct on the part of the visitor.
  • The premises of the Institute shall not, without prior permission of the management, be used for the sale or distribution of any books, papers, leaflets, instruments, equipment or other articles or for making collections of any kind for any purpose whatsoever.

Transfer information

  • Students are not permitted to transfer their location of study.
  • Students are always advised to consider the choice of course carefully prior to admission. Transfer from one course to another is not allowed.
  • Transfer of session is not allowed.

Class Timings

Classes are held in different shifts from early morning to late evening every day according to routine and time table prepared and notified by the Heads of the Centres concerned. The routine and timetable are subject to change without notice at the discretion of the concerned Heads of Centres.


Students are required to attend classes punctually and regularly as per class routine.

Irrespective of other engagements, if any, all students have to attend all classes of the Institute including English and have to attend workshops, site visits and participate in other course - related activities which may be notified from time to time.

No student will be allowed to enter a classroom more than five minutes after the commencement of a class without the permission of the class teacher or Head of the Centre.

A student absent for more than three consecutive days is required to provide an explanation of the reason for absence in writing on the date of joining to the Head of the Centre along with proof of reason for absence if deemed necessary.

Students under 18 years of age must submit a letter of explanation for absence from the guardian. Permission slip from competent authority is required to re-join further classes.

Absence without notice for more than one month will lead to removal of the student's name from the Attendance Register. This is subject to discussion with the management after submission of proper & satisfactory documents/reasons for such absence. Moreover, the Institute will not be responsible for the loss of tuition and attendance in such cases.

A student must attend 70% or greater in theoretical and 80% or greater in practical classes (including Communicative English and Personality Development classes for courses of duration one year and above) in each semester to be eligible for the final examination as a regular candidate

Attendance defaulter fees

A student will be allowed to sit for the examination in each semester (at an academic interval of six months) subject to the maintenance of the following percentage & on payment of the fine due from him / her for not maintaining the required percentage of attendance:

From 60% but less than 70% in Theory Classes and from 70% but less than 80% in Practical Classes - a fine of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) - Non Collegiate.

From 50% but less than 60% in Theory Classes and from 60% but less than 70% in Practical Classes - a fine of Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand Only) - Short Percentage.

A student failing to attain less than 50% attendance in theory classes and less than 60% attendance in practical classes will have to enroll as a fresh candidate in the same semester as per the prevailing fees of the session for that course. This is subject to the discretion of the Management.

Leave admissible to students : (On account of medical ground)

In addition to usual holidays in the year, a student who is unable to attend classes owing to illness including injuries / hospitalization, may be allowed medical leave as follows on producing of medical certificate from a Registered Medical Officers/Hospital authorities along with all medical reports thereof.For 3 Months Course: 07 days (During the entire duration of course)For 6 Months Course: 10 days (During the entire duration of course)For 1 Yr. to 3 Yrs. Courses: 15 days (Per Semester)N.B: In case of Jaundice, Typhoid, Malaria, Pox & other infectious diseases, it may be extended upto 21 days subject to submission of medical reports as evidence.


Admission & tuition fees are payable in cash or by demand draft in full at the time of admission OR as per the prescribed payment terms in the Admission Particulars Chart of the concerned centre, Fees Payable under Instalment Scheme. Cheques also may be accepted subject to clearance / realisation.

Students paying fees under instalment schemes are required to ensure payment within due dates as specified at the time of admission and as mentioned in their I.D. Card and as mentioned overleaf on their Money Receipts.

Default of payment will lead to a fine of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only), if paid within a month. Thereafter on additional fine of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) shall be imposed for every month or part thereof of delay in payment of fees. All students are instructed to keep the Money Receipts in a safe place till the end of the course and use photocopies only in any dealings with the Institute. If the Money Receipt is lost the fact must be immediately brought to the knowledge of the Principal in writing, along with a copy of an

FIR lodged with the concerned police station, through the Head of the concerned Centre. Thereafter, a duplicate Money Receipt will be issued by the Admission Office/Head of Centre on payment of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only).


Default in payment of dues for more than one month or as specified in 'Fees' above will result in suspension of classes. The student concerned will not be allowed to attend classes until all dues and fines are cleared as per norms of the Institute and the Institute will not be responsible for any loss of tuition or attendance on the part of the student during the period of absence and/or suspension. Furthermore:

  • Delayed payment of fees will not be accepted without the written consent of the Principal.
  • Attendance of a defaulting student will not be recorded from the due date of payment to the date of re-joining classes. The Principal will authorise the resuming of classes after verification & proper documents.
  • Defaulting students attempting to clear outstanding dues on the eve of an examination will not be permitted to sit for the ensuing examination.
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