

The George Telegraph Training Institute, a renowned educational institution in Kolkata, offers a leading Diploma in Financial Accounting program. This diploma course specializes in equipping students with essential skills and knowledge in the field of accounting and finance. The Financial Accounting Course at The George Telegraph Training Institute is designed to provide comprehensive training in accounting principles,

Internal Assessment

  • All students have to appear in monthly unannounced Internal Assessment Tests in all the subjects, including English (where applicable).
  • The tests will be for the theoretical components of all subjects, along with the viva, oral, practical, and drawing.
  • The tests will be held on the topics taught in the previous fortnight or month in each of the subjects, as per the scheduled logical coverage of those topics as per the syllabus. These tests will be for all courses and for each session, batch, and section.
  • Any student unable to appear in 1 or 2 tests (with valid justification for his or her absence) will be evaluated on the average of the marks obtained by the student in the balance tests taken by such a student.
  • Workshop training, site visits, and special classes by guest lecturers may be arranged from time to time. Students attending such programmes will have to submit project reports on the same. These project-based reports will be considered during internal assessment.

Semester Exam

  • Questions will be set from the full syllabus for each of the semesters of each of the courses in the semester exams, as the complete syllabus coverage in totality has been undertaken through the fortnightly and monthly tests.
  • Semester Theory Question Paper Pattern: Objective, Conceptual, Application-Based, and Subjective Types.
  • Sessional marks will consist of Attendance, Punctuality, Maintenance of Practical Note Books and drawing sheets, and discipline.
  • Final Examinations will be held upon completion of the full period of training in the respective courses.
  • The authority of the Institute will notify the examination schedules for conducting semester, Final & Supplementary Examinations in advance, and the same will be displayed on the notice board of the Centre only.
  • The schedule of Final Examinations regarding time and location will be intimated by the head of the concerned centre via a notice on the Notice Board only.
  • All courses with a duration of one year or more will have semester examinations at an academic interval of six months. The results of these examinations will be counted as an aggregate percentage for the final result.
  • Cheating of any sort during monthly or semester exams will not be tolerated in any way. Students' answer scripts will be rejected if found to have been copied from one another, and at the time of evaluation, this will be strictly followed by all evaluators.
  • Use of unfair means at the time of examination will result in the suspension or cancellation of the result, subject to the decision of the review committee. The student shall have the right of defence before this committee.
  • Examinees are strictly forbidden from using mobile phones or electronic communication gadgets during examination hours.
  • Questions will be set from the full syllabus for each of the semesters of each of the courses in the semester exams, as the complete syllabus coverage in totality has been undertaken through the fortnightly and monthly tests.
  • Semester Theory Question Paper Pattern: Objective, Conceptual, Application-Based, and Subjective Types.
  • Sessional marks will consist of Attendance, Punctuality, Maintenance of Practical Note Books and drawing sheets, and discipline.
  • Final Examinations will be held upon completion of the full period of training in the respective courses.
  • The authority of the Institute will notify the examination schedules for conducting semester, Final & Supplementary Examinations in advance, and the same will be displayed on the notice board of the Centre only.
  • The schedule of Final Examinations regarding time and location will be intimated by the head of the concerned centre via a notice on the Notice Board only.
  • All courses with a duration of one year or more will have semester examinations at an academic interval of six months. The results of these examinations will be counted as an aggregate percentage for the final result.
  • Cheating of any sort during monthly or semester exams will not be tolerated in any way. Students' answer scripts will be rejected if found to have been copied from one another, and at the time of evaluation, this will be strictly followed by all evaluators.
  • Use of unfair means at the time of examination will result in the suspension or cancellation of the result, subject to the decision of the review committee. The student shall have the right of defence before this committee.
  • Examinees are strictly forbidden from using mobile phones or electronic communication gadgets during examination hours.

Supplementary Examinations

  • Any nature of absence in an examination, including on medical grounds, will be considered as failure in that examination. In such cases the examinee concerned will have to appear in a supplementary examination in the concerned paper(s).
  • An examinee failing in any of the subjects as well as in Drawing / Practical etc. in the semester or final examination will be permitted to appear in supplementary examinations in the concerned papers.
  • In order to appear at a supplementary examination the student must submit an application to the Principal along with a supplementary examination fee of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) for each subject which the student could not pass.
  • Application for permission to sit in a supplementary examination must be submitted within the notified date along with requisite fees. Candidates for supplementary examinations must appear along with regular examinees, as per the notified examination schedule in the immediate subsequent examination.
  • A student failing in a supplementary examination will be allowed to sit for one more supplementary examination only in the manner prescribed in clause 3 and 4 above. In total, a student will not be permitted to sit for a particular paper more than thrice, including the regular examination and two supplementary examinations. Students must appear in supplementary exams during immediate succeeding semester examination.
  • Examinees must appear for supplementary examinations in the examination schedule immediately subsequent to the examination in which the examinee was declared as 'failed'.
  • If an examinee applies for and then remains absent for a supplementary examination in such case the examinee will be declared as 'failed' and the applicable chance of supplementary examination will be lost.
  • In case of failure in any paper in all the three chances detailed above the student will have to take readmission to the course along with payment of fees as per the Admission Chart of the centre prevalent at that time.

Review of Answer Scripts

Any student not satisfied with the assessment of one or more answer script(s) may apply for review of the script(s) within 15 days from the date of publication of the result. The application must be accompanied by a fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) per paper. The result of the review will be announced within 30 days from the date of receiving application.

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