
Digital Journalism a New Age Career

People who work in this field make software, databases, and apps in a number of different computer languages using cutting-edge technology and methods. As long as we use computers and technology a lot, people who work as computer software workers will be in high demand.

Application Form

Journalism is one of the many pillars on which a social civilization stands. With the world going digital, its only fair that journalism get its fair share of space on the internet. However, that share of space has led to a whole new division called Digital Journalism. A career as a digital journalist is a combination of traits that span from traditional journalism basics to modern technological standards. It's a combination of Print, Television and Radio. You can get all in one platform which called Digital Media. In one word it's a new generation media.


Digital journalism, also known as online journalism, is a contemporary form of journalism where editorial content is distributed via the Internet, as opposed to publishing via print or broadcast. Although there is no clear definition of digital journalism, it is widely recognised as being any form of journalist content that is posted on the internet. It could be in text, audio or video form and because it does not have to print and distribute content, it is much faster than traditional journalism. In the age of social media and smart phones, news circulate very fast, so you have to run with that. This is digital journalism. How fast and authentic you are.


Digital Journalism is a branch of the core journalism field and relates to the news and media industry. Digital journalists have to cover news and present the latest happenings of the day to spread the information among the common people through digital media platforms. With the booming media industry, the job prospects for digital journalists are very bright. Apart from the established news publication houses like Times of India, Indian Express; there are many internet-first news agencies such as the Quint, The Wire and Reuters etc who hire digital journalists in India. The profiles start from field reporting in a particular genre or beat and with experience you can rise to the rank in the editorial field.


The Learning Outcome of this course will be:-

  • Knowledge of Difference and benefits of traditional vs new-age journalism
  • Know how to write script, story, editing, interviewing, observing keeping the authenticity and transparency
  • Ethnographic research, understanding propaganda and importance of influencer
  • Ethical Power and responsibilities of Holistic news reporting


There are no pre-requisites for enrolling in Digital Journalism course. Anyone with a keen interest in media and communication can enrol in the course. Our course structure is designed in such a way that any person hailing from any educational background can understand and learn. At ImaginXp you will be learning thinks from a basic and fundamental level.

There are no pre-requisites for enrolling in Digital Journalism course. Anyone with a keen interest in media and communication can enrol in the course. Our course structure is designed in such a way that any person hailing from any educational background can understand and learn. At ImaginXp you will be learning thinks from a basic and fundamental level.

  • Module 1 : Introduction to traditional journalism and evolution of digital journalism: 12 hrs
  • Module 2 : Mass communication basics and Ethics Of Journalism with authenticity: 12 hrs
  • Module 3 : Creating and distributing content for reader: 12 (6+6) hrs (Theory+Practical)
  • Module 4 : Role of social media and social networking (Currents and Hootsuite App): 12 (4+8) Hrs (Theory+Practial)
  • Module 2 : Interactive journalism/Interviewing Skills (Face to face and Through Phone): 16 (6+10) Hrs (Theory+Practical)
  • Module 2 : Modern Writing Skills/Script Writing/Editing (Bengali/English): 18 (9+9) Hrs (Theory+Practical)
  • Module 2 : Tools for Story Boarding media distribution and processing information Called CMS (Content Management System), Use of Audio, Video, Photo edit software etc: 24 (12+12) Hrs (Theory+Practical)
  • Module 2 : SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Tag, Focus Key Words, URL, Headlines: 6 (3+3)Hrs (Theory+Practical)
  • Module 2 : Personality Development: 6 hrs
  • Module 2 : Digital Photography: 12 Hrs (Practical)
  • Module 2 : Visual Design and Graphic Design: 8 Hrs (Practical)
  • Module 2 : Intellectual Property Rights: 6 hrs
  • Module 2 : Observational sessions/Project: 6 hrs

Eligibility : Passed Class X Board Exam     Duration : 03 Months

Course Outline:

Diction, Accent, Vocabulary, originality, Vernacular Interference.

Prospective Areas of Work:

After successful completion of this course students would be able to work and perform in professional work place with required confidence.

  • Learn To Use Modern Day Digital Journalism Tools & Applications
  • Audio Recording and Editing (Audioburst)
  • Video Recording and Editing
  • Photo Editor (Photoshop)
  • Google Analytics
  • MS Word (Cloudconvert)
  • Unicode Typing (Language)
  • Photo
  • Social Media (Hootsuite)
  • Youtube Channel Youtube DataViewer

  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Nose of news
  • Communication skill
  • Digital
  • Presentation

  • Social Media
  • Tools/Technical
  • Visual design
  • Photography
  • Journalism
  • Basic-Digital Journalism-Ethics
  • Content-Writing Skills-Interactive Journalism
  • Personality Development
  • Intellectual property right

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